
Singing Hills Christian Camp

Street Address
71 King Drive
Plainfield, NH 03781
(888) 863-CAMP(2267)

GPS Directions
If you are using a GPS for directions, please use this address:
351 Stage Road
Plainfield, NH 03781

From Southeastern NH/Eastern MA

Take I-89 North. Get off Exit 20 in West Lebanon, NH. At the end of the ramp, turn left onto Route 12-A. Follow Route 12-A south for 7 miles. At the bottom of a long hill, turn left onto Stage Road (sign points to Meriden). Singing Hills is 4 miles out on Stage Road on the left. A large wooden “Singing Hills” sign marks the end of our driveway. Bear left all the way up the drive.

From Montreal/Northwest VT

Take I-89 south. Get off Exit 20 in West Lebanon, NH. At the end of the ramp, turn right onto Route 12-A. Follow Route 12-A south for 7 miles. At the bottom of a long hill, turn left onto Stage Road (sign points to Meriden). Singing Hills is 4 miles out on Stage Road on the left. A large wooden “Singing Hills” sign marks the end of our driveway. Bear left all the way up the drive.

From Hartford, CT/Western MA/ Southern VT

Take I-91 North. Get off exit 8 in Ascutney, VT. At the end of the ramp, bear right. At the first set of traffic lights, continue straight ahead. You will then cross the Connecticut River into NH and come to another set of traffic lights. At this set, you will turn left onto route 12-A north. Proceed north on Route 12-A for 11.5 miles.

Details for 11.5: After 5 miles you will come to a bend in the road with a country market place in front of you, bear left. After another 1/2 mile, you will pass the Cornish- Windsor Covered Bridge on your left. Continue straight, passing through the village of Plainfield, NH.) Take a right on Stage Road. Singing Hills is 4 miles out on Stage Road on the left. A large wooden “Singing Hills” sign marks the end of our driveway. Bear left all the way up the drive.

From Northeast VT/ Northwest NH

Take I-91 south. At the intersection of I-91 and I-89, take I-89 south. Get off Exit 20 in West Lebanon, NH. At the end of the ramp, turn right onto Route 12-A. Follow Route 12-A south for 7 miles. At the bottom of a long hill, turn left onto Stage Road (sign points to Meriden). Singing Hills is 4 miles out on Stage Road on the left. A large wooden “Singing Hills” sign marks the end of our driveway. Bear left all the way up the drive.